Bhikkuni From Various Countries Went Through 2016 Vassa in Wisma Kusalayani

28. Acara Pattidana di Cetiya Sanghamitta JakartaAfter receiving invitation from the people to go through vassa on July 18, 2016, bhikkhuni from various countries trained themselves during vassa in Wisma Kusalayani, Maribaya, Lembang, Bandung, Indonesia.

The daily routine of the bhikkhuni is meditating and learning about Vinaya and Sutta-Sutta. Aside from the activities in Wisma Kusalayani, the bhikkhuni also did some activities outside to give Dhammadesana, as long as the activities outside of Wisma Kusalayani didn’t exceed 7 days.

The bhikkhuni who went through vassa in Wisma Kusalayani are:

  1. Bhikkhunī Sumitra Theri (Sri Lanka),

  2. Bhikkhunī Sumanapali Theri (Sri Lanka)

  3. Bhikkhunī Santini Theri (Indonesia)

  4. Bhikkhunī Susilavati Theri (Indonesia)

  5. Bhikkhunī Vijayani (Indonesia)

  6. Bhikkhunī Medha (Sri Lanka)

  7. Bhikkhunī Anula (Japan)

  8. Bhikkhunī Sumangala (Malaysia)

  9. Bhikkhunī Vajiradevi (Indonesia)

  10. Bhikkhunī  Sadhika (Indonesia)

  11. Bhikkhunī  Sudeshika (Sri Lanka)

The activity is a form of extraordinary harmony between the people who give invitation and full support to the bhikkhuni who train and provide guidance to the faithful in practicing the Dhamma. Hopefully this can give inspiration to many people, to preserve traditions and support the grow of exposing Dhamma. Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.


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